We have
24 years
It’s been 25 years since we started working in the computer world, assembling and repairing computers.
Since then, our drive for improvement has led to continuous growth, expanding fields such as IT networks, systems, security and ATMs. Today we are oriented to provide comprehensive support to SMEs at the level of telecommunications, IT, Project Management, Support and Maintenance, Outsourcing, Networking and Security. Our experience of twenty-five years and our clients guarantee us, thanks to the involvement of a large team of people, we have been able to adapt at all times to the constant evolution of the technological needs of our clients. We are at your disposal to answer any need in the area of ICT and to provide you with the service your company requires.
Domingo Gómez Torres
CEO – Akron Soluciones Informáticas
Akron Soluciones Informáticas, SL is a company that for more than 20 years is dedicated to providing technological support to companies, we are prepared to face all the challenges posible, we have a service of reception and coordination of alerts with extensive experience, system technicians, specialized in printers, plotters etc. systems of tracking and closing of alerts. Our IT maintenance service has a team of professionals able to quickly and effectively solve the daily problems of the use of your IT equipment, we offer technical assistance in software and hardware, adapting to any situation, in order to meet the particular needs of each client. At present, we repair almost all the machines within 48 hours in the laboratory and 24 hours at home. (Computers, laptops, servers, printers, scanners, monitors…) Repair of large format printers, plotters, etc.
The AKRON company’s management defines and demonstrates its quality and environmental policy, with the aim that all its staff identify with it, assume it and carry it out; bearing in mind that all its services and processes are oriented to the full satisfaction of its customers, whether internal or external to the company.the company defines and demonstrates its quality and environmental policy, with the aim that all its staff identify with it, assume it and carry it out; bearing in mind that all its services and processes are oriented to the full satisfaction of its customers, whether internal or external to the company. AKRON.
Our processes are monitored with regular quality checks and we have been ISO 9001 since 2014.
- Main points of our quality and environment policy
- • To achieve the full satisfaction of our clients (users, companies and other entities) through the correct treatment and attention, the necessary technological advice, the fulfillment of delivery deadlines, and knowing their needs and expectations.
- • We are committed to protecting the environment, complying with all environmental legislation that applies to us, as well as improving the efficiency of the integrated management system, in order to also improve the environmental degradation of the organisation.
- •To carry out a continuous training process in order to improve the possibilities of services to our clients.
- • Know and become aware of the importance of the quality system, as well as the environmental system, as a useful way of expanding technology, always making it available to any client, whatever their volume or needs.
- • Comply with the laws and regulations in force, both mandatory and those that the client requests from us.
- • To enhance the participation of our clients in the proper future of the company.

Committed to the environment
Akron IT Solutions Management is aware of the need for energy-saving and environmental protection measures. Establishes an Environmental Policy aligned with these purposes and the nature, magnitude and environmental impact of its activities, products and services as a provider of IT infrastructures, communications, project and technological consultancy developed both in our facilities and in those of our clients.
The Corporate Environmental Policy has an impact on the field of environmental management as an essential document for the exposition and communication of the environmental principles and commitments of Akron Soluciones Informáticas.
Akron IT Solution’s commitment to the environment is based on:
• Ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations applicable to Akron Solucionas Informáticas activities
• An environmental management system to implement good environmental practices and promote continuous improvement
• Promoting “Green IT”: promoting the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies and providing for polluting actions, thus ensuring that the environment is prevented.
• Providing a safe and healthy workplace through risk prevention policy.
• Ensure the framework for setting environmental improvement targets
• Ensure a responsible use of energy in the company by achieving energy efficiency in terms of savings and consumption parameters
• Conducting internal audits and self-assessments with pre-established environmental management system parameters to measure Akron Solucionas Informatique’s environmental implementation progress by generating periodic reports for the Directorate.
• Integrate environmental criteria into their product and service offerings.
Nobody’s an environmentalist by birth. It’s only your path, your life and your travels that awakens you (Yann Arthus-Bertrand).
We want a better planet
That is why we are committed to protecting the environment, complying with all environmental legislation that applies to us, and improving the effectiveness of the integrated management system.
The client comes first
At Akron IT Solutions we motivate you to be willing to share your business project, helping you achieve your own individual goals, to do so we rely on a set of values that we believe are the pillars of any relationship.

We are clear in the description of our services and do not hide information that may be relevant to our clients, our staff and our associates.
Our clients know that they will not be surprised in the provision of our services.
In this sense, our company puts sincerity before any other consideration, even if it harms us commercially. We make honest deals with our clients, employees and associates.
Companies cannot live with their backs on the changes that are happening around them and that is why one of our most important values is adaptability, continuously training our staff and offering the best solutions to our clients and associates.

We have the capacity to get down to work without letting time pass and without feeling laziness, this spirit reaches all elements of our organization, enabling each employee to face their responsibilities without excuses or hesitation.
We are not discouraged in the face of adversity, we persevere in achieving our objectives and we are always at the foot of the cannon, because we know that obstacles will arise along any business project that will not be easily resolved, and constancy is a long-term commitment in which effort and hope converge.
We are close to our clients, associates and employees, making them part of our corporate philosophy and showing them that they are our raison d’être, creating ties of familiarity beyond the commercials.
How do we do that?
A defining characteristic of our work at Akron IT Solutions is that we put ourselves in your shoes at all times.
Our Mission
We offer IT solutions through comprehensive work that encompasses all processes, design, implementation and maintenance of complex systems. At Akron IT Solutions, what matters is you, we offer you technology solutions and IT services aimed at all levels.
Our Successes
Our clients are our best references, that is our greatest success, we offer professionalism, knowledge and total customer orientation, so that your experience as a user is the best, there are many companies that rely on us to design and maintain their IT systems.
Our Advantages
We offer efficiency and speed in all our services, both our direct clients and companies that rely on us to provide solutions to their clients, our experience in project management makes us their best tool to carry out theirs.
Always Available
You can contact us by phone, email or web form. We’ll always be there to help you.
Qualified technicians
You will always have a qualified technician adapted to your needs. Our technicians have years of experience in IT and telecommunications.
Better Services
We adapt to the demands of the client because we work for and for him.
Our Partners
We want to offer a quality service, that’s why we work with the best brands.